Check out this Sea Turtle cleaning the hull of our neighbor's boat!
This turtle was so cute!He should be the new mascot for Turtle Wax. :)
Now THIS is homeschooling!!
My youngest Mate has surpassed all of his goals for the year and has completed all but one class. He should be done with the last class in a couple of weeks which is still remarkable considering our kids started all of their classes about 6 weeks later than all of the public schools around since we were in the middle of moving to Fl from CT in Sept.
This kid takes his lessons very serious but as in life you must do your work where you are most comfortable and you will most likely succeed.
He can explore and learn about the environment and so many things right here and eventually everywhere we may go.
Education is key in our family. I believe if you are not learning something new everyday you are not growing and willing to broaden your horizons and open your mind about who you are and the world you live in.
This watercraft was at the fuel dock when we were coming back in.
I thought it looked very interesting.
Follow that link above for more info you will be amazed!!
Let us remember the reason we celebrate Memorial Day.
For those who sacrificed and gave their all in the name of FREEDOM.
Thank You, from SV SeaDragon and crew!!
We were head to head with a fellow sailor when this pic was taken. Going nor thon the ICW from the Dunlawton Bridge back to Halifax Harbor.
We had only our One sail up and he had two sails and his motor going.
As a converted cruiser from a racing yacht, I am totally impressed.
Yes, we are Fast and Furious!!!
Proper pet care is essential when living aboard.
While having pets live with you on your vessel is great fun, they also need maintenance and special care.
Cats like Abby love to explore all the many dark and cozy compartments she can squeeze herself into and jump up and down various places on the boat.
If your cat has not been declawed then trimming the nails is necessary in order to avoid serious problems such as ingrown nails or even infection. You don't want your feline getting caught on anything either.
Here are some tips for trimming your cat's claws.
When age and ailments finally got us thinking about exercise on the boat, our skills in the gym were useless. Boat life is the art of doing without, especially without the space for weights and treadmills. So we found a different routine: High-Intensity Circuit Training (HICT)—full-body exercises performed in a seven- to 10-minute circuit with little rest in between. HICT is sound science, easily done within a boat-friendly footprint of 2 by 6 feet.Read more ........
Our friends Wes and Elizabeth have been talking about coming to visit for quite some time. Finally our free time aligned and flights were booked. They were a bit hesitant at first to stay in our tiny floating home but once they arrived it didn’t take long for them to see why we’re so happy living this life less ordinary.
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Dolphin and kitty playing! I hope Abby gets to experience this someday!
Posted by SVSeaDragon on Monday, May 4, 2015