Friday, May 29, 2015

Check out this Sea Turtle| Wax on Wax off

Check out this Sea Turtle cleaning the hull of our neighbor's boat!

 This turtle was so cute!
  He should be the new mascot for Turtle Wax. :)
He must have went up and down the entire length of the boat.....Wax on Wax off 

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Aunties Junk Drawer| Galley Tips

This site has tons of tips on food storage and and how long each shelf life is.
Take a look around and find some great info!

Big Dum Boat: Aunties Junk Drawer

Green Cross: (No Sugar) Sweet Tomato Sauce

   Galley Notes:

Green Cross: (No Sugar) Sweet Tomato Sauce: Most commercial tomato sauce adds sugar to balance out the natural acidity of the tomatoes and the savory from the added salt. If you pick ...

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Now This is HomeSchool

Now THIS is homeschooling!!
My youngest Mate has surpassed all of his goals for the year and has completed all but one class. He should be done with the last class in a couple of weeks which is still remarkable considering our kids started all of their classes about 6 weeks later than all of the public schools around since we were in the middle of moving to Fl from CT in Sept.
This kid takes his lessons very serious but as in life you must do your work where you are most comfortable and you will most likely succeed.
  He can explore and learn about the environment and so many things right here and eventually everywhere we may go.
  Education is key in our family. I believe if you are not learning something new everyday you are not growing and willing to broaden your horizons and open your mind about who you are and the world you live in.

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Connecting the Dots: A Chance Meeting

One of the best things of living a board an sailing is getting to know fellow sailors with the same passion as you.
Their catamaran Connecting Dots is featured in the photos.

This couple is awesome!
They bought a boat "SV Connecting Dots" in the Fl Keys and started on an adventure of a lifetime getting it back home to their home state NY.
We have had a great time swapping stories and getting to know each other. 

Monday, May 25, 2015

Goree Challenge|| Amazing

This watercraft was at the fuel dock when we were coming back in.
I thought it looked very interesting.


Follow that link above for more info you will be amazed!!

Memorial Day

Let us remember the reason we celebrate Memorial Day.
  For those who sacrificed and gave their all in the name of FREEDOM.

Thank You,  from SV SeaDragon and crew!!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Cruising Fast and Furious

We were head to head with a fellow sailor when this pic was taken. Going nor thon the ICW from the Dunlawton Bridge back to Halifax Harbor.

We had only our One sail up and he had two sails and his motor going.
As a converted cruiser from a racing yacht, I am totally impressed.

Yes,  we are Fast and Furious!!!

Monday, May 18, 2015

Live for Tomorrow...

This is so true.

Energy Protein Smoothie

This is a great way to keep healthy and maintain your energy levels while working and living aboard.
While maintaining your sailing vessel is important, so is maintaining your vessel (body).
I use my handy sport shake blender made by Hamilton Beach. It includes a 16oz  "to go" cup that is also the mixing container.

Boost your energy with this protein and fiber packed smoothie!

World Ocean Day 2015 Photo Contest

In celebration of World Ocean Day on June 8, NOAA's National Ocean Service is hosting a photo contest. From May 8-22
Read More ......

Pet Care Onboard

Proper pet care is essential when living aboard.
While having pets live with you on your vessel is great fun, they also need maintenance and special care.
Cats like Abby love to explore all the many dark and cozy compartments she can squeeze herself into and jump up and down various places on the boat.
If your cat has not been declawed then trimming the nails is necessary in order to avoid serious problems such as ingrown nails or even infection. You don't want your feline getting caught on anything either.

Here are some tips for trimming your cat's claws.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Abigail the Sailor Cat- Video

Abigail the Sailor Cat
A little video of Abby
Exploring all around SV SeaDragon!!

EBook Arrow

  A friend of mine uses this service and says she loves it.
I think it would be great for us liveaboard types as it saves space! Plus it is free to sign up!
eBookArrow - Your source for free and bargain Kindle books!
Post a comment below if you have tried this service or if you know of other e-book sources!

Friday, May 8, 2015

This week on SV SeaDragon

This week on SV SeaDragon
Click here

Big Bird with Swagger

Big bird with lots of swagger!

First mate and I just saw this huge bird walking down the dock. 
Blayne says "He's walking down the dock like he owns the place, that bird has swagger!"

Check out the video and the photo essay to follow our experience...

Thursday, May 7, 2015

What do Ducks Eat?

Have you ever found yourself at the park with a pond or lake and seen people feeding the ducks?

 Did you slyly raise your hand?

Fitness Afloat: The Value Of High-Intensity Training | | PassageMaker

Check out this great fitness routine!

A great way to stay strong, healthy, and easy to do in small spaces, all done while living aboard!

   Follow Jay and Karen Campbell in their featured column in Fitness Afloat in PassageMaker magazine

When age and ailments finally got us thinking about exercise on the boat, our skills in the gym were useless. Boat life is the art of doing without, especially without the space for weights and treadmills. So we found a different routine: High-Intensity Circuit Training (HICT)—full-body exercises performed in a seven- to 10-minute circuit with little rest in between. HICT is sound science, easily done within a boat-friendly footprint of 2 by 6 feet.
Read more ........

 Fitness Afloat: The Value Of High-Intensity Training | | PassageMaker

Black Mountain Ultimate Resistance Band Set with Starter Guide - BMP-7M
Black Mountain Ultimate Resistance Band Set with Starter Guide - BMP-7M

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Message in a bottle found 40 years later!

(CNN) - Susan Cordell says it was 1975 when she and a friend were bored, put a message in a bottle and tossed it into the ocean. Both of them forgot about it until Cordell got a call decades later.
Watch the story below.

Here is the link to the story on Facebook WESH: Message in a Bottle

People of Daytona: Beach Day

A little side project I am working on.

A travel/destination blog! I love all the sites and sounds and especially the People of Daytona!

Check out this post.....People of Daytona: Beach Day

Simply Living,Tiny House

Our friends Wes and Elizabeth have been talking about coming to visit for quite some time. Finally our free time aligned and flights were booked. They were a bit hesitant at first to stay in our tiny floating home but once they arrived it didn’t take long for them to see why we’re so happy living this life less ordinary.

Read more: 
Follow us: @tinyhouseblog on Twitter | tinyhouseblog on Facebook

Read Full Article At: Tiny House Blog

We totally feel the same way! It's good to see others doing the same thing and getting to enjoy life as it is. Simple.

Abigail the Sailor Cat

Mornings are her favorite time of day!
No coffee for Abigail, but she did have a nice helping of Ocean Whitefish and Tuna for Breakfast!

A cool breeze blows over the deck of the boat and through her whiskers.
Abby loves checking out all the activity on the dock and in the water.

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Dolphin and Kitty

Watch this cute video!! 

 Dolphin and Kitty Playing

Dolphin and kitty playing! I hope Abby gets to experience this someday!
Posted by SVSeaDragon on Monday, May 4, 2015

The Crows Nest

Birds up on the mast singing!
Must be the reason they call it "The Crow's Nest".