Fighting the Big "C" called condensation.
With temperatures dropping near freezing in central Florida a new concern has arose. We have a great 1600 BTU reverse cycle ac/heater but as this
article explains when the temperature outside and the temperature inside have at least 20 degrees difference condensation forms.
We are getting a lot in the main cabin but even more so in the V-berth overhead, with lots of moisture that saturates the bed clothes and mattresses.
One solution we have tried so far is Damp-Rid and EvaDry crystals to absorb the excess moisture.
It it working to an extent but not enough. Our next step is more ventilation and increase air flow.
We opened up the door on the head and keep it open with a hook/eye latch.
More on that subject and the Damp-Rid can be found in this article on
Below are some pics of the issue at hand.

The mattress from the aft cabin was wet and had to be aired out
Kim drying the comforter
Placed 3 of these canisters of Damp Rid around the entire boat
Even tried this contraption called Eva-Dry, not sure if it works or not.